Greek gods x Inpiration

Olympian Gods (The Major Gods of Mount Olympus)

  1. Zeus: King of the gods, ruler of the sky and thunder.
  2. Hera: Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and family.
  3. Poseidon: God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.
  4. Demeter: Goddess of agriculture and fertility.
  5. Athena: Goddess of wisdom, strategy, and war.
  6. Apollo: God of the sun, music, prophecy, and healing.
  7. Artemis: Goddess of the moon, hunting, and childbirth.
  8. Ares: God of war.
  9. Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty.
  10. Hephaestus: God of fire, blacksmithing, and craftsmanship.
  11. Hermes: Messenger of the gods, god of commerce, thieves, and travel.
  12. Hestia: Goddess of the hearth and domesticity (sometimes replaced by Dionysus in the Olympian list).
  13. Dionysus: God of wine, revelry, and theater.

Primordial Deities (The First Gods of Creation)

  1. Chaos: The void or origin of all creation.
  2. Gaia (Gaea): The Earth, mother of the Titans and many other beings.
  3. Uranus: The Sky, Gaia’s partner and father of the Titans.
  4. Nyx: The goddess of night.
  5. Erebus: The god of darkness.
  6. Tartarus: The abyss and personification of the underworld.
  7. Eros: Primordial god of love and procreation.

Chthonic (Underworld) Deities

  1. Hades: God of the underworld and wealth.
  2. Persephone: Queen of the underworld, goddess of spring growth.
  3. Thanatos: Personification of death.
  4. Hypnos: God of sleep.
  5. Hecate: Goddess of witchcraft, magic, and crossroads.
  6. Charon: Ferryman of the dead.

Titans (Predecessors of the Olympians)

  1. Cronus: Leader of the Titans, father of the Olympians.
  2. Rhea: Mother of the Olympians.
  3. Oceanus: Titan of the sea.
  4. Tethys: Titaness of the rivers and fresh water.
  5. Hyperion: Titan of light.
  6. Theia: Titaness of sight and the shining light.
  7. Iapetus: Titan associated with mortality.
  8. Prometheus: Titan who gave fire to humanity.
  9. Atlas: Titan condemned to hold up the sky.

Important Semi-Gods (Demigods and Heroes)

  1. Heracles (Hercules): Son of Zeus and Alcmene; famous for his Twelve Labors.
  2. Achilles: Hero of the Trojan War; central figure in the Iliad.
  3. Perseus: Slayer of Medusa and rescuer of Andromeda.
  4. Theseus: Slayer of the Minotaur and founder of Athens.
  5. Orpheus: Musician and poet who tried to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, from the underworld.
  6. Bellerophon: Rider of Pegasus who defeated the Chimera.
  7. Jason: Leader of the Argonauts in the quest for the Golden Fleece.
  8. Helen of Troy: Daughter of Zeus and Leda; her abduction started the Trojan War.
  9. Atalanta: Swift-footed huntress and participant in the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
  10. Meleager: Hero of the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
  11. Castor and Pollux (Dioscuri): Twin sons of Zeus; protectors of sailors.
  12. Aeneas: Trojan hero and ancestor of the Romans.

Other Notable Figures

  1. Nike: Goddess of victory.
  2. Eris: Goddess of discord.
  3. Iris: Goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
  4. Nemesis: Goddess of revenge and retribution.
  5. Pan: God of nature, shepherds, and flocks.
  6. Morpheus: God of dreams.