“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” — Mike Murdock
Hello nomads ! Today we are talking about routines !
I used to think that routines would make life so boring, but today they are definitely critical to my mind & body balance !
1. Why a routine ?
2. How to build one ?
3. Tools x Chronos
4. My routine
1. Why a routine ?
Do you think that your time is limited ? Well, you don’t have time because you don’t make time
I believe we need a routine, in order to make space in our too busy lives for the important things
Atomic habits – James Clear
Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it. – Albert Einstein
A routine, because it adds on a daily basis. Did you know that if you improve by 1% every day, you end up multiplying by 37 after just a year ? (Ask a trader – 1.01^365 = 37.78)
2. How to build one ?
2.1 Know thyself
2.1.1 Identify your values and principles
So the most critical thing here is defining what is important ?
What are your values and principles that are going to influence or filter every single actions from your routine ?
To give you an example, mine are :
– Minimalism – Less is More – is this really needed ? Why ?
– Nomad – Can this be done anywhere in the world, as I travel ?
– Health – Is this improving my health ?
– Mouvement – Does this make me move ?
– Learn – Am I learning something new here ?
– Joy / Social – Does this add value there ?
2.1.2 Identify your long term targets
As important as your values and principles, what are your long term targets and what are you trying to achieve in the next 1, 5, 10 years ?
Is this routine in line with your targets ? Did you break your long term targets into smaller pieces that can fit your daily routine ? (into monthly targets, then into weekly targets ?)
An example with Coding : One of my long term goals is to make apps to resolve some specific problems (Real Estate Management is one with Hestia)
Target of the month = Having 1 new user for Chronos (cf below)
Target of the week = Pushing a new version online
Target of the day = Write at least one line
7 Habits of highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
2.1.3 Identify your constraints
Work ? Family ?
Plan around this
Don’t forget to challenge those constraints
2.2 Make it progressive
2.2.1 Create your ideal routine = V10
Start with a blank page
Add your constraints
Fill the blanks
2.2.2 Identify your current routine = V0
What are you currently doing ?
Gather data on the past week
2.2.3 What’s your V1 / MVP ?
What is a first / reasonable / achievable / sustainable version ?
Can you test it for a week ?
2.2.4 Check / Learn / Improve
Review your week and the routine in place (V1?)
Did it work ? Did it have an impact ? Did it fail ? Why ? Learn from it and build on it.
How can you augment your routine ? What is the next improvement ?
2.3 Check your routine against your values/principles/long term targets
Go line per line as ask your self – Is this in line with my values ? With my principles ? With my long term targets ? If not, you may want to stop doing this.
2.4 Hacks
2.4.1 Make it easy
The trick is to make it very small and very easy in your daily routine (cf above for coding : write just 1 line).
James Clear has a framework for this : The 2-Minute Rule, which states, “When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.”
3. Tools
I have built an app called Chronos to help you manage your routine
It is still a beta, but you can download it here :
4. My routine
NB : I have removed the blocks where I focus on work
7:30 – Up
7:30 – Drink water
8:00 – Journaling / Target setting / Dreams
8:30 – Coffee / Read
10:00 – Drink water / Breath
11:00 – Socials / Do something new
12:00 – Drink water
14:00 – Drink water
16:00 – Breath / Surfing or Climbing
17:00 – Lunch / Dinner / Magnesium (Trying to do 1 meal a day lately + testing Magnesium as a sleep improvement)
19:00 – Masterclass (Highly recommended)
20:00 – Coding (Just 1 line) / ChatGPT
21:00 – Cold Shower / Appreciation / Drink Water / Stretch / No screen
22:00 – Sleep
What’s your routine like today ? Share yours in a comment !